Dreams and the Body
Dreams and the Body
Hours: 10:30 am to 12:30pm
Dates: 03/10 – 07/21
Value: BRL 120.00
“The real intention of dreaming is to be able to change the way we act in different situations.” – Stanley Keleman
Dreams arise from the body’s metabolism. For Formative Psychology®, dreams are anatomical patterns of excitation received by the cerebral cortex, and organized into social images. Dreams point to the future, bringing in themselves what we want to change in our behavior and experience. In this workshop we will work with voluntary micro movements, embodying the postures that appear in the dream and modulating their intensity. We will learn to influence our behavior patterns and create new possibilities for the future.
Registration via Whatsapp: (21) 97431-2789 or via email Psicologiaformativa@psicologiaformativa.com.br
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