Stanley Keleman, (1931-2018), founder of Formative Psychology®, was an original, creative thinker and author of several books. In 2012 Leila Cohn initiated the project “Interviews with Stanley Keleman” in order to keep a live record of his thinking. On this film Keleman talks about his Formative view of dreams: “The dream is a way the body talks to itself about its dilemmas and the means by which it can rehearse different action patterns about situations that require another way of behaving. It’s not a symbolic representation. The real intention of dreaming is to be able to change how we act in different situations” So far, three films have been produced from the Interview Project: “Living Your Older Age” `”Quantum Dynamics in the Human Experience” and “Dreams: A Formative Perspective”.
Stanley Keleman – Dreams: A Formative View
Sobre o autor: psicologiaformativa
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